International Tax Services

In the ever-changing world of international taxation, we know how important it is to have a trusted advisor at your side. Whether you represent a business or have international tax needs as an individual, rest assured that our team of specialists can provide you with the highest standard of service and expertise.

For Individuals

Insero & Co. has tax professionals with decades of experience in providing tax services to US citizens and green card holders living outside the United States as well as foreign nationals living and working in the United States. We have clients located around the globe including Europe, Asia, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as clients residing here in the United States with international roots.

Why choose Insero?

Our international tax professionals have made a commitment to providing high-level tax services in a particularly challenging technical area.

In addition, our participation in the PS+ Collaborative provides our firm with access to the resources of RSM US LLP, the US member of RSM International, a global network of independent audit, tax, and consulting firms with more than 38,000 people in over 120 countries. This allows us to provide a level of international tax service that few firms of our size can match.

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The United States taxes its citizens and green card holders on worldwide income, irrespective of the countries in which they live or work. We ensure clients comply with their US tax filing obligations while minimizing their overall tax burden. We utilize US tax laws to take advantage of the Foreign Earned Income and Foreign Housing Exclusions and the Foreign Tax Credit. Consulting with our clients prior to their foreign moves, whether they be temporary (such as a sabbatical leave) or indefinite, enables us to make recommendations regarding the timing of the move to obtain the best tax results, help our clients understand the impact of the move on their retirement plans and other investments, and ensure that our clients are fully aware of the US tax implications of their move outside the United States.

US tax rules affecting foreign nationals, both resident aliens and non-resident aliens, are highly complex. We can determine an individual’s tax status under general physical presence tests, but also consider and take advantage of available elections which can achieve a better tax result. Our team combines our specialized knowledge of international taxation with our familiarity with general US tax law to indicate when to take our residency analysis a step further. We can help with FIRPTA withholding, Form 1040NR, Form 8288, and W7 for U.S. non-resident taxpayers. We are also a Certifying Acceptance Agent for ITIN applications through the IRS.

The US taxation of foreign investments can be one of the more complicated areas for which clients seek our help and expertise. Ownership of foreign entities, such as controlled foreign partnerships or controlled foreign corporations, add significant complexity to an individual’s tax returns. US taxpayers with foreign investments may be unaware of the rules regarding Passive Foreign Investment Companies (PFICs). We prepare Form 5471 (Controlled Foreign Corporations), Form 114 (FBAR), Form 8938 (Foreign Financial Assets), and Form 8621 (PFICs), as well as other required tax forms to report our clients’ foreign investments. We are also a Certifying Acceptance Agent for ITIN applications through the IRS.

For a variety of reasons, a green card holder may decide to relinquish his or her green card. We are experienced in the expatriation process and the preparation of Form 8854. We have taken advantage of the provisions of tax treaties to minimize US income taxation when appropriate in expatriation situations.

We have experience in working with international tax attorneys to address situations in which individuals have not complied with reporting requirements regarding foreign assets and foreign income. By combining our tax knowledge and number crunching skills with the legal expertise of the attorneys with whom we work, we are able to provide clients with high-quality resolutions to their non-compliance issues.

When our individual tax clients are required to file tax returns in foreign countries or need tax advice regarding activities in foreign countries, we are able to provide referrals to tax and accounting professionals in those countries through our membership in the RSM US Alliance, which provides our firm with access to the resources of RSM US LLP, the US member of RSM International.

For Businesses

In today’s global economy, a significant portion of our clients are not only doing business in more than one state, but often more than one country. As a result, multi-location taxation has become part of our everyday lives. That’s where our participation in the PS+ Collaborative comes into play. While we have significant local experience with federal, international, and state and local taxes, we do not pretend to know everything. Tax laws are constantly changing and we work with the specialists around the world to make sure we are providing you with the right answers – the first time.

Why choose Insero?

Whether you have detailed questions regarding the most advantageous corporate structure related to your international operations, are determining if you should have a transfer pricing study completed, have international tax compliance needs, or you are looking for a sanity check on your current structure, our tax professionals will provide you with right cross-border answers. Our international tax experts can help you to pursue the right international strategies while helping you to successfully manage your global tax exposure. Please contact us today to learn how we can help.

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